About Us
Tarah Spyve

Hi, my name is Tarah Spyve (nee Hunt). I live on site, with my husband Brent and our children, Fern (8) and Ash (4). I have 3 Border Collies, pictured, Blaze, Azmin and Ember. We also have a cat, chickens and ducks that can often be seen when you visit our place.
My story with dogs begins when I was 16, when I was finally given permission from my parents to get a puppy. I wasn't allowed to just get any puppy though, my conditions for getting a dog were that I had to research breeds to find one suitable for the family and take it to obedience classes - amazing how my life has now become so involved with dogs!
I researched and visited various breeds to find which would best suit my family over the summer holidays – I started with wanting a border collie, and went back to one – but at least I knew it was the right dog for us.
18 years later Shine (black and white Border Collie) is no longer with us (she reached a grand old age of 16.5 and passed away June 2018). Her daughter, Asta, a blue and white Border Collie has also since passed over the rainbow bridge 🌈 🐕 🐾
I attended domestic obedience classes with Shine at my local club, Cambridge Dog Obedience Club. I enjoyed this so I went back for a few terms and then I saw them holding agility classes – just like on Wonder Dogs on TV I thought! So of course, I joined the next class intake and have been there ever since! I was Club Secretary for at least 5 years and then Vice President for 2 years and during this time I also instructed domestic obedience and agility classes of all levels. I left the club at the end of 2013 as I was moving to Whitianga, and have since been nominated and accepted as a Life Member – both an honour and privilege. I frequently compete at various agility events around the North Island and am also an agility judge for the New Zealand Kennel Club.
Who would have thought at the time of being allowed a dog that it would shape my life so much – but I am so pleased that it has. I love dogs and I love training them, I also love teaching people with their dogs and seeing the improvement in the dogs behaviour and also the relationship between the dog and it’s owner. I have studied Principals Of Canine Behaviour through Massey University and read books, watched DVDs, attended seminars, and completed online courses to improve my knowledge of dog behaviour and training – as well as learning from friends and life experiences. I am constantly trying to learn more and improve my knowledge so I can continue to train my own dogs and help other people train theirs using positive reinforcement.

Katrina Mair
Doggy Daycare Superstar

Aimee Burton
Doggy Daycare and Admin Assistant